Thursday, February 16, 2012

Diffusing Crisis - Taking the Drama Out of Divorce Through Mediation

There are few situations more likely to produce tension and crisis than marital discord. Two people with diverging interests, goals, and feelings are involved in a struggle but have a complex physical and emotional history. This is fertile ground for conflict and drama. When facing this crisis couples have a choice, once they decide on divorce, to hire a lawyer or a mediator. If your high conflict divorce with open anger and conflict you may want to go the mediation techniques route because mediators are professionals at diffusing crisis.

The family counseling training that mediators and their associates go through give them the tools to be both an advocate and neutral third party who can sift through the recriminations, accusations, and hostility to find answers-- answers that ultimately achieve a fair and equitable divorce agreement. Mediation is a process of advocacy rather than adversarial confrontation. Legally litigated divorces can make couples adversaries and that simply fuels the fire in emotionally charged divorces. "He said," "She said," "He did this," "She did that," are all the wood that burns the fire of drama and crisis. An attorney does not seek resolution unless it effects the final settlement. But a mediator has an entirely different motivation-finding a sea of calm that facilitates a fair airing of the truth and bringing a "reality check" to the whole process.

In most cases, just having a third person present will calm down a confrontation and in mediation there is always that neutral third person, who by their presence alone, can bring calm to the storm. But more than just being there, a mediator listens, translates, and moderates a productive discussion that works toward equitable solutions. The value of a calm and measured discussion is greatly overlooked in the divorce process. But mediators have long known that little is accomplished in the chaos of recrimination. True equity is achieved when both parties are calm, rational, and reasonable.

Diffusing a crisis takes a lot of listening and translating. When people lash out their statements are often very distorted and it takes a trained listener to filter the anger out of fact and translate that statement to their spouse without the bitterness and confusion. Directing couples in simple relaxation and breathing techniques is also used to reduce tension and improve a couple's experience in mediation.

Attorneys who encounter highly charged divorces frequently just throw up their hands and stop returning phone calls. Sometimes they just chalk this up to the very nature of the divorce process. But mediators strongly believe that drama is not necessary in the process. They have seen and worked with many couples who entered mediation with tension, anxiety, and anger and, with the appropriate support, found relief. With therapists and life coaches available through many mediation agencies, additional support is easily available at reasonable rates. The growing use of divorce mediation speaks to participant's satisfaction with this alternative to litigated divorce. It will not only save you money but save you months of turmoil and in the end you will have a settlement that reflects both spouse's true positions.

By Brian Connor James

parental alienation syndrome symptoms

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Security Guard Training

Security personnel are an unique group of vital service providers and as such more people are going to school to be a private security provider. Most security guard positions in the US now requires specialist training at a special school and subsequent certification.

There are many opportunities for those considering a career in the security services and potential employers include most kinds of public premises operators, whether corporate or county, state and federal government departments. All will often go to a specialist security provider school to find suitable applicants with the right level of expertise and the correct attitude for the position. Anyone with the required attitude from age 18 to 65 can apply for training at a security officers Houston training center. Applicants will require the right mental and physical fortitude but most skills can be learned through the specialist training.

Training will often be specific to the kind of security guard a student seeks to become and would range from those relying more on a physical presence to deter crime to those with industry specific requirements for prevention and detection.

Under the Federal Security Guard Act 1992, security providers, for most situations, are required to have undergone certain training at a security guard school. To begin, they must have successfully completed a Pre-Assignment course of eight hours and received their certification. This must then be submitted with a security provider application to the Department of State.

Following submission, the security officer has 90 days in which to complete a second training course at a security guard school which includes 16 hours of on-the-job training. This on-the-job training would be arranged by the security guard school with a relevant security officers Harlingen. Often a security student would have secured their place at the security school through a specific employer. Their on-the-job training would then be with that firm and monitored by the security training provider.

On successful completion of the second training course, the security student is now fully certified and licensed. All certified private security providers are, however, required to attend an annual one-day refresher training course to remain certified to operate. This will also be attended at the original security officer school. This annual course is to update their skills and receive training in any new developments in their specific area of expertise.

Besides the above, Armed Guards must also complete 47 hours in firearm handling. This separate course, also often attended at the same guard training school, comprises 40 hours on the firing range with seven hours of theory. The required standard must be met before certification.

For more information on security guard training please visit

security guard training

security guards Houston